Time has passed
Terve Terve
Time flew away!
One year ago I was thinking at this time of the year, what I should pack for going to Finland. Ok, I have to admit that I was thinking about this pretty early, because I flew to Finland at the end of August ;-)
Since my last post a lot happened and it would take me ages to write everything down. But few highlight should be shortly mentioned:
The first two weeks of April I spent in China with the InsightChina project of my University. The day I left Joensuu I got the e-mail that I was accepted for the project and that I could go for two weeks to China. The time there was really incredible and very fascinating! We visited the following cities: Beijing, Lanzou, Qingdao and Shanghai. Basically the whole trip was very good with one exeption: the stay in Shanghai. After having one of the best dinners I ever had in China, I got a food poisoning. I know the hotelroom pretty good now but for the rest of Shanghai - I can't say a lot, unfortunately! The flight back home was a torture because of my stomach... Back home everything was ok again (after few days).
After beeing in China I missed Michael so much, that I booked a flight to Berlin to see him. We had wonderful days in sunny Berlin. I enjoyed the city much more than I did when I was there in December. Perhaps because of the season? Everything was green and much more friendly. We even visited the famous ice bear Knut - that was really cute!
Then, few weeks later, at the end of June, my sister got married. The marriage was very nice and well organised :-) My sister was very very beautiful and I'm very happy for both of them. Let's see when their personal next highlight will come in form of a baby ;-)
Yea, and that's about it.... not too exiting, no trips to the polar circle or party weekends with lots of vodka. Exept for one which ended bad - very bad!
So now I'm still studying to finish my exams which will happen on the 25th of July. Then of course: Party!!!
On the 28th of July Michael will defenetly come back from Berlin and I'm looking very much forward to that! I start to miss him a bit over here, so it's time to come back home now!
Well... if someone of my Erasmus-Friends should still once in a while check this link I hope that you are happy to read some news about myself. I would be happy if you could drop a line so we can keep in touch! Especially Tura who seem to disapear, I can't reach her neigher via e-mail nor can I call her.. does anyone have some information about her?
Ok, it's time to go - hope to read from you!
Time flew away!
One year ago I was thinking at this time of the year, what I should pack for going to Finland. Ok, I have to admit that I was thinking about this pretty early, because I flew to Finland at the end of August ;-)
Since my last post a lot happened and it would take me ages to write everything down. But few highlight should be shortly mentioned:
The first two weeks of April I spent in China with the InsightChina project of my University. The day I left Joensuu I got the e-mail that I was accepted for the project and that I could go for two weeks to China. The time there was really incredible and very fascinating! We visited the following cities: Beijing, Lanzou, Qingdao and Shanghai. Basically the whole trip was very good with one exeption: the stay in Shanghai. After having one of the best dinners I ever had in China, I got a food poisoning. I know the hotelroom pretty good now but for the rest of Shanghai - I can't say a lot, unfortunately! The flight back home was a torture because of my stomach... Back home everything was ok again (after few days).
After beeing in China I missed Michael so much, that I booked a flight to Berlin to see him. We had wonderful days in sunny Berlin. I enjoyed the city much more than I did when I was there in December. Perhaps because of the season? Everything was green and much more friendly. We even visited the famous ice bear Knut - that was really cute!
Then, few weeks later, at the end of June, my sister got married. The marriage was very nice and well organised :-) My sister was very very beautiful and I'm very happy for both of them. Let's see when their personal next highlight will come in form of a baby ;-)
Yea, and that's about it.... not too exiting, no trips to the polar circle or party weekends with lots of vodka. Exept for one which ended bad - very bad!
So now I'm still studying to finish my exams which will happen on the 25th of July. Then of course: Party!!!
On the 28th of July Michael will defenetly come back from Berlin and I'm looking very much forward to that! I start to miss him a bit over here, so it's time to come back home now!
Well... if someone of my Erasmus-Friends should still once in a while check this link I hope that you are happy to read some news about myself. I would be happy if you could drop a line so we can keep in touch! Especially Tura who seem to disapear, I can't reach her neigher via e-mail nor can I call her.. does anyone have some information about her?
Ok, it's time to go - hope to read from you!
schön das do mol widr öpis z'lääsä isch...
ok, was fürnä ehr ;-) äs goht jo gar nümä lang, bis am 28. - häsch du dänn eigäntli geburtstag? was wünschisch du dir dänn, fallsäs so isch?
ach un was isch dän das fürnäs party weekend gsi, wo so very bad g'ändät isch?
leidr chani dir nid hälfä wägdä tura, abr druggdr düümä un schiggdr än chuss...
moi, at 2:03 PM
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